Buddy always seems to get attacked by fluffy things in the house. It is inexplicable!
Destroy first, ask questions later.

Buddy always seems to get attacked by fluffy things in the house. It is inexplicable!
I decided I like my bed better in pieces.
I ate my bed.
Sir Percival Archibald Wiggle-Butt Jackson (aka Percy) is my rescued fur baby. I brought him home from a research lab in January after he had lived there for about three years. He’s the biggest goofball/sweetheart ever!! Anyhow, one night he decided that the futon and dog bed were not good enough and decided to sleep on his throne.
“I refuse to play with my toys and prefer to dig up Mom’s shag carpet when she’s not home.”
There’s now a bald spot in the carpeting. A rather noteworthy one at that. Despite my best efforts to conceal and protect the offending area, Lucy continues to attack the most vulnerable portion of the rug. Her stuffed squirrel, however, remains unscathed…a mere witness to the crime.
“We wouldn’t rest until we destroyed our bed. Now we have to sleep on the floor. Tarka & Remy”
This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!
“I humped my dog bed…in front of the kids.”
“Why sleep in a bed when I have this chair…” Bella’s grandpa gave her a very nice bed, but she refuses to sleep in it.
We destroyed our other dog bed. So now Mom is making us share the old one. Ugh.