My name is Hercules, and eat my way through any enclosure. My favorite is wood.
I eat WOOD

My name is Hercules, and eat my way through any enclosure. My favorite is wood.
My name is Pluto and I am a 2 year old blue nose pit bull From Boston, MA. I was a Christmas miracle, pulled from the euthanasia line on Christmas Eve just in the nick of time by Last Hope K9 Rescue.
I will admit that my life has not been the greatest so far and humans have not always been kind to me. Because of that I tend to be a little shy at first and would love a home that would help me build my confidence. I was really underweight, but my amazing foster family has gotten me healthy and I am no longer timid like I used to be. I love belly rubs! In fact, they may be my favorite thing (besides have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep). I am a pretty low-key and would love a home where I could be the center of someone’s world. My only shame is the life I was given prior to the shelter. I am one of the lucky ones who got out. If you can’t adopt me, please pick a shelter or rescue dog. There are just too many of us who need you.
“I shamelessly use my sad puppy-dog eyes to get my way. I’m not sorry, though, because my foster mommy falls for it every. single. time.”
Brady is an adoptable pit bull located at Response-a-Bull Rescue in Wilmington, DE. Brady is a gentle boy who enjoys creature comforts…he’s a champion snuggler and a seasoned couch potato, which makes him the perfect Sunday night football companion (although he loves a good game of chase or a nice long walk, too!). If you’re looking for a low-key, agreeable guy that will blend effortlessly into your family, then you’ll want to snap up Brady!
This is Huey. He is a lovebug. For instance, he loves to eat things with stuffing, from burritos to, sadly, comforters and pillows.
We did not feel comfortable with leaving the dogs all together since they had just met the day before, so we put Kula in a room by herself along with some toys. We were gone 2 hours and came home to her peeking her head out of the bottom of the door. All we could do is laugh, who could get mad at that sweet face.
You threw a tennis ball…
…I brought back a hula hoop
Helen is currently staying at the Animal Care & Control Team shelter in Philadelphia, PA. As a volunteer, I try to get her out as often as possible so she doesn’t go stir crazy. She adores toys, so we were playing ball. She chased the tennisball, but delivered a hulahoop to my feet instead! No shame; she was quite proud of herself for finding it. Helen would love a family who enjoys playing as much as she does. She’s young, but not a mouthy jumper at all! If you want to know more about me, click here!
Freckle Face Davis needs a new home for the new year! He is currently living in foster care with a profressional dogs trainer and is available for adoption through BARCS located in Baltimore City, MD. Here is some more information on Davis.
I ate all the rib bones out of the trash & the vet made me puke them up!
Zoe is barrels of fun. This younger brindle girl loves to run and play. She is everybody’s friend instantly. She knows her commands and will pay careful attention to you. She is always ready for a cuddle and loves belly rubs! She enjoys other dogs if they like to wrestle and run. Zoe is at Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary in Delaware.