“Look what I had for breakfast.”
I need a fabric sample

“Look what I had for breakfast.”
Sun Tzu’s Art of War Has Been Defeated
“I destroyed my sister’s table, attempted to break into the food bin, and pushed the crate around …. with the CAT in it, while mom and dad went to brunch.”
On my way home, the lid popped open and Max our Staffie sat in the back of the car and licked all the icing off my 3 slices of carrot cake intended for a birthday party. He cannot resist anything sweet…
Lucy ate six of our nine dyed Easter eggs on the same day, shrink wrap, stickers and all.
I have 2 acres of garden, but I choose to poo in the courtyard at the front door.
After a visit to the beach Missy had a sore stomach….
When no one’s looking I love to steal thing’s and chew them and especially like flip flops, my brother was not so impressed though!
Manny is a serial knicker-nibbler.
Daisy is a one year old, rescued Staffordshire Bull Terrier. We thought we’d managed to finally toilet train her. We hadn’t. We thought we’d managed to finally stop her running after other dogs when out on a walk. We hadn’t.