Finnigin ( Brown Great Dane/Lab mix ) is trouble 1, marking his ‘territory’, and Rahlo Matzoball (Blond Lab) really has no idea whats going on.
Double, Double, Toilet Trouble

Finnigin ( Brown Great Dane/Lab mix ) is trouble 1, marking his ‘territory’, and Rahlo Matzoball (Blond Lab) really has no idea whats going on.
Finn decided that he didn’t like Apple today.
I killed a beanbag pillow and turned the house into a winter wonderland. Then I threw up.
Then clean-up killed the vacuum.
My name is Ike and I’ll eat anything. Even my own decomposing poo.
Harry hates the vacuum cleaner, and must tussle with it each time it is brought out. Nevermind that HE is the major reason that vacuuming occurs. His sign reads: “Hate when my mom vacuums, even though my fur is the major cause of weekly vacuuming. I try to eat the vacuum and I must be blocked with doors and then crated. Not sorry at all. Die, vacuum, die!!!!!!
Mecca, 3 year old yellow lab:
I ate ALL the hamburgers that were for dinner
Pongo says, “I don’t like to go out when it’s raining, so I pooped on the deck. At least I kept my paws dry.”
Last night I raided the laundry hamper and ate 5 pairs of Laura’s underwear, 3 pairs of her shorts, and her favorite bathing suit… and I’d do it again. #mostexpensivedogever #allofjasonsclothesarefine
Kobe: Today while mom and dad were at work I stole 4 pieces of raw chicken from the sink and ate them all and the bags they were in.
Romo: And I destroyed uncle’s slipper… and probably stole some chicken too.
My insatiable appetite for bananas caused me to break Mom’s favourite bowl. But the bananas were worth it.