We unplugged Mama’s iPhone from the charger, took it outside and somehow it ended up at the bottom of the pool. We have no regrets. YOLO!!!
-Dexter and Gracie
There’s no App for That…

We unplugged Mama’s iPhone from the charger, took it outside and somehow it ended up at the bottom of the pool. We have no regrets. YOLO!!!
-Dexter and Gracie
I woke up this morning, got my coffee, and sat in the chair to watch the news. Cruuunch! I sat on eggshells that Miss Jazz drug from the trash into the living room as a midnight snack.
“I ate my mom’s go-to black heels.”
Tucker is a beagle-lab mix who likes to counter-surf when his humans are not looking. This time he overestimated how hungry he actually was. “I ate a box of donuts and a loaf of bread. Now I have a tummy ache :(“
Our Mastiff-Lab mix, Maisy, kept sneaking away and chewing up My Little Ponies! After many casualties, we were able to figure out where she was getting them from! We hid them, but not before we took a dog shaming picture…
Cole loves to lick mommy’s feet and hands!!
These lovely ladies thought it would be funny to have projectile diarrhea all over my place at 7:45am before my 8am test! They’re normally angels, but choose to do this one week before move out date!? Touché.
I, Sadie, dig the yard up over and over and I am not sorry. I especially like to dig up the sprinkler heads. Digging is best when the holes have just been filled in or when it rains… Like today… 🙂
Angus ate 2 dozen confetti eggs before the guests arrived. He has absolutely no remorse.
I’m Louisa and I love to get dirty! Mommy figured she would try to shame me into being good but I don’t think it’s going to work……I will always try to roll in icky stuff even if it means getting a yucky bath.