My tiny human made a Valentine’s Day picture and put it on the fridge. I ate it.
Valentine’s Day is my favorite

My tiny human made a Valentine’s Day picture and put it on the fridge. I ate it.
My daughter is constantly trying to eat the dogs food. I’m pretty sure she likes it more than he does.
Leroy likes to eat anything that hits the floor…dryer sheets, toys, and now Play-doh. The good news is, it’s non-toxic. The bad news is, he had just eaten dinner…
The kids and the dog have been playing nicely until this morning when something very inappropriate happened between our lab, Brady, and my children’s latex bouncy donkey; and I only know because my children showed me how Brady was pushing the donkey around.
“I tackle children… And eat their ice cream. -Jango.” Today, Jango tackled a potential new client’s kid and ate an ice cream cone right out of his hand. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. And Jango doesn’t seem to care one bit. Doesn’t he know where his kibble comes from?
The Dog Shaming Family is proud to introduce our newest addition! Little Mia was born on December 16th weighing in at 7lbs 2oz. Mom and dad couldn’t be more excited (and tired). True to the dogshaming ways this family is accustomed to, Mia has already pooped, peed, or barfed on everything we love; INCLUDING THE DOG!! We want to thank everyone for following our blog and helping us make dogshaming a huge success!
If you live in the lower mainland of British Columbia and have a baby or fur-baby you’d like to have photographed, Ashleigh Wells Photography comes highly recommended! She did both this shoot as well as the picture for the back of the book! You’ll have to wait a while though, she’s also on maternity ’til March! BABIES FOR EVERYONE!
I stole baby JJ’s Teddy Bear and chewed it all up and when I got in trouble, I then ate the underwire out of his mom’s bra. Bobby
I got my head stuck in the baby’s toy had to have help getting out. I am even cuter not stuck in the toy, oui? ~ Bajoues
This may, or may not have been, the first time I got stuck in this toy.
Ken doll was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:03 this morning. It was a gruesome murder!
Ruckus not only stole his human baby Gigi’s bottle, he buried it and then unburied it months later…we wondered why the bottles seemed to be disappearing…mystery solved..oh Ruckus..why you? Why is it always you?