I like to “help” mom sort clothes.
Frenchie, our pit mix senior rescue, has decided to help around the house between nap times.
Sort’a Helping

I like to “help” mom sort clothes.
Frenchie, our pit mix senior rescue, has decided to help around the house between nap times.
This is not my chair…but it should be.
I ate a whole can of this baby’s formula.
Tank’s 7 year old little sister cried for about a good hour over this sudden burst of jealousy and anger. Tank feels pretty bad, now.
Meet Bauer (pronounced bow were). He is something else. He also has an epic guilty face. As bad as he can be… we love him!
“My family switched to cloth diapers so I at least won’t die from being nasty.” After eating several disposable diapers out of the trash, we got worried that our dog, Lola, was ingesting some gnarly chemicals. We invested in cloth diapers, hoping that they’d stay out her reach and wouldn’t be as harsh on her system. That was naiveā¦ apparently she can smell poopy diapers through the wet bags. Diapers are her favorite, but she’s also a fan of underwear, pants, shirts, bibs, and gym shoes.
I let the 2 year old take my temperature….. Rectally!
Our son must have been watching when we checked his baby sister’s temperature. He decided to share his knowledge with the dog.
I ate my 4 year old sister’s first lost tooth before she could put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. Many tears were shed.
Our Chihuahua, Precious, was not thrilled when she was dethroned as the baby of the family 9 years ago. To this day, she still dislikes our son. When my son’s school sent home this worksheet so he could share about his dog, we knew we had to tell the truth. My husband and I still love our first baby but, we try to keep distance between her & our human children.
We love our Bella even if she has bad breath!