My name is Gigi. I like to sneak in my family’s bedrooms and steal only their dirty socks and underwear and eat holes right through them!
People pay good money for well-ventilated sport socks!

My name is Gigi. I like to sneak in my family’s bedrooms and steal only their dirty socks and underwear and eat holes right through them!
I stole undies from the washing basket and took them to the next door neighbour
Such a strange thing to see after walking into the bedroom…
When my Mommy is doing laundry I like to steal panties for later….
Manny is a serial knicker-nibbler.
Nippers thinks she is a fashion designer and routinely alters my shoes, shirts, zippers or buttons, and so forth. She apparently decided my nightgown wasn’t revealing enough and made it strapless!! Daddy liked it, but I was not pleased. While I was taking the pictures, she also chewed up the sign … no shame!
The sign says: “I thought Mom would look better in a strapless nightgown”.
Bad Basset
Incident/Observation Report: Sulley treated us to two very special poops today. Each contained a very special treasure…ladies underwear.
Actions taken: Notify & horrify owner 🙂
0 days since I ate the crotch out of mums jeans..,,Im also a bag fan of her underwear and cardigan sleeves…
Quasar eats mom’s underwear, and Nova taught him how.