Brody is a 1 year old springer that thinks he can’t be seen under the pool table when he pees or poops.
Wanna Play Poo(L)?

Brody is a 1 year old springer that thinks he can’t be seen under the pool table when he pees or poops.
I follow the chooks around and eat their poo. I even find if I scare them a bit I can get them to go on demand!
Chooks is slang for Chicken in Australia!
3 year-old rescue who resides full-time in Yosemite. When he’s not chasing bears out of campgrounds he loves rolling in BEAR poop!
Dixie the chihuahua ate a pair of two carat diamond stud earrings. Fortunately, the stones were, ahem, recovered…
“When Mama leaves without me, I pull her shoe out and poop in it. –Sophia, a.k.a Lil Gril
Sophia is weird about my sandals and flip flops. When she doesn’t randomly lick them, she poops in them. You can see where I put the other shoe away, so she actively pulls them out in order to deliberately poop in them.
I’m Wrecks. I got diarrhea from eating bird suet. I pooped a big puddle on the futon in the basement and Mom sat in it. HA HA HA HA HA.
I thought the smell in the basement was coming from the cat box so I sat on the futon to scoop it out. I realized my bottom was wet and cold and stood up to see what the problem was.
Gunther (ˈgo͝ontər):
German for I poop behind couches
I eat poop and it upsets my stomach (weird!), so I leaked diarrhea in Mommy’s home office… and she sat in it.
She showered and cleaned it up.
A few minutes later, I thanked her by throwing up poop all over her.
… I thought it was hysterical.
She goes for walks but comes home to poop on the potty pad.
I got home from work early to find that he had gotten into the trash and then spread the love into the living room…