Groundhog chaser!
Groundhog Day!

Groundhog chaser!
We ate the mints but unwrapped them first.
My name is “MugShot Molly”#120718I murdered mom’s RayBans so she can’t see what bad things I get into.#Innocent until proven guilty.#I plead the 5th
This is Mona. Her favorite food is salmon. She craves fish, and the house smells like a cat jungle, even though we’ve never had a cat.
My loving malamute likes to leave me toilet-paper art to express her anger about me leaving her. This is one of a long series.
I used the window trim as my personal chew toy. I’m sorry (not).
❤️ Abby
This is Hugo, our 4 year old Jack Russell. Hugo has a habit for trying to poop up or on things other than the grass. This weekend he took it too far and tried to poop on my hand while I was tending to my flowers!
I was more into this book than my Mom!
Gracie had been caught previously trying to chew one of our weighted blankets. This time she succeeded as when I went to make the bed it suddenly sounded like one of those rain sticks. It took hours to clean up and it’s torturous to step on them.
My mama sets an alarm for me to wake her up every morning